Thursday, April 12, 2012

Wild Days - Rocky Mountain High

Well I've been swamped as I bet you guessed.  Today I got in my one set of bars and my 5 X bleacher ramps so I'm on schedule.  Two big stretch days coming up and then the meet Sunday.

In other news, my little dog Tuffy had kidney stones 11 days ago and a $3,000 surgery later he came home.  Recently he hasn't been able to pee when he tries and then all of the sudden there is a trail of it down the hall.  Long story short, they missed two stones so it was back to surgery again today - no charge but I doubt he cares about that.

I go to Denver quite a bit on business and have been working on a massive deal with two huge orthopedic groups.  Today I received signed five year contracts from both and will now get to book three days in Denver every two weeks.  Not a bad place to be stuck and I can work it easily around my training schedule.  There is a lot of beauty there.  It is a great financial opportunity so that part is great.  Huh .. I moved to California for the same thing, and I have two big deals here too.  My point is that even with all of this activity I'm very comfortable with my training schedule.

In closing I'm sorry I missed a couple of days here and will do better.  Have a great evening and thank you so much for caring enough to be here!  Bubba

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