Friday, November 13, 2009

Planning the Future

Today has been delayed because I thought I might go out and jump this afternoon. Though not a great idea it was under consideration because weight training guru Dan John is doing a lecture in my neighborhood tomorrow. My coach, Kris Allison will go and I will catch up when I get done with my training.

For those of you who remember, my mother in law, June (93), had a stoke the day I jumped at Sydney. We were hopeful we could bring her home but she has since had several setbacks that will make this impossible. She's currently in the rehab wing of the nursing home where she will remain and live for however long she makes it. She has good days and bad days as far as energy and her ability to remain alert and focus. Sometimes she can speak and sometimes not.

The point is that she is now in professional hands that allows us some freedom that we haven't had. Because of this, Kamloops (World Indoors) is back on the radar. We had been very concerned about leaving her for a hour and now she has great care. This gives us some flexibility to have a life without senior babysitters being in charge of someone who may have an emergency, like when we went to California.

We will work through it over the next few days and see where we land. Have a great day! Bubba

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