Saturday, January 31, 2015


After another long week of travel and then bad weather yesterday, I postponed my jumping until today.  Because of that I'll try and go again Monday on my smaller poles.

Today was weird.  I did some easy running yesterday so I wouldn't be so flat on the runway, and that seemed to have worked.  I felt OK but was naturally tentative just to be careful with my legs.  I started on my 4m/13'1" poles.  With my weight down to 160 I couldn't get in on the first one from 3 lefts/6 steps.  Maybe if I tried to run harder I could but I didn't want to risk it. 

I spent the day feeling reasonably well but missing my timing somewhat.  Just need more experience on the poles.  Of course how stupid is that since I jumped on the 4.15m/13'7" poles in Reno? I should have taken 1-2 more jumps without a bar to feel the pole roll.  I will do that next time.

Long story short, if your run moves back, and you move up poles but you can only jump the same height as you did from the closer weaker poles, you failed to carry over what has been practiced.  Hoping to correct that next time.  Have a great Saturday!  Bubba

The The - "Uncertain Smile" - because I'm so uncertain about today.  Felt OK but below average results.

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