Saturday, January 11, 2014

Lay It On The Line!!

Lay it on the line?  Wrong picture! ;-)
I made the decision long before Belton that I was going to Reno with only big poles and trained accordingly.  Belton went well, but starting on the equivalent of your biggest pole in a meet like Reno is a bit frightening - but I'm doing it because I trained for it.  I trained to be a beast.  I've been a 225 lb. bodybuilder and 160 lb. vaulter so I know how to work my body  My wake up weight is only 165 and that's fine because it's a lean 165, but at some point it may be a lean 175.  Why?  After I finessed my way in and out of last season at 160, I heard the words of my friend and fellow SWT Alumni, Scott Henning (19' 1/4"-5.80m), "You've got to be a big bad ass ninja"!! And I will!!  Have a great day and thanks for your support!  Bubba

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