Monday, October 26, 2009

Let the Grind Begin

I guess officially it's not a grind until you're into a complete and set program but I make an exception today because it is the type of day you absolutely do not want to work out. My body feels so so, but I feel lethargic and lifeless. That's the body's way of telling me that it doesn't like the changes I'm making. Knowing this, and that I'm not lifting hard enough to get hurt, I slogged through it and "survived it" at best. I was careful to use perfect form and not push the weights. Still - NO FUN!!

I have a feeling it will take me 3-4 weeks before I am settled in enough that I can do all planned activities at a high level. I need and want to vault starting from a longer run one day a week but I can't do that until my legs feel sound. Who knows how long it takes to get used to running real sprints - short and long, and lifting Olympic and Power lifts? I'm guessing it won't be this Thursday.

All of this said, I can feel a difference in my mobility and my ability to run is back again. On my 200s yesterday I felt I had some extra gears without risking injury. I haven't felt that in a long time. My best time was just under 40 seconds which is not fast, but I wasn't trying to run fast. My goal will be to get under 30, which too is not fast but the most I will ever run to vault is 88' so I'm not too worried about it.

So no Halloween Vault this Saturday. I'll just stay on schedule and see how I feel as I approach the 11/15 meet in Austin. Worse case I should certainly be a go by the 12/19 meet in Dallas, the first indoor meet of the year. I figure I jumped 12' yesterday from 32' 6" on a tiny pole so it's not like I will lose anything in this transition process. In fact I'm only making such drastic changes in my training because I think I have a higher potential with this approach. PATIENCE! Or so I keep telling myself.

During today's lifting I had a few revelations about the order of both lift days so I think that will be totally dialed in by the end of the week. That excites me because I don't feel like I'm wasting efforts but can get directly to the meat of the essential lifts. You can lose momentum during a workout if this stuff isn't right.

It's so hard to motivate yourself to train like this day in and day out unless you really LIKE your training plan. I'm getting close. I do my first short sprint day Thursday so at that point I will have done all of the components in what I hope is the final format. Final of course is relative as I will always modify the days as needed to avoid injury or an overall body rundown. But once the base program is set I follow it to the letter better than 80-90% of the time. It take a real red flag to make me modify or vary. Fortunately I've learned to spot those red flags a little earlier.

Rainy here today and the phone man is here to finally get that system fixed. Gotta run. have a great day! Bubba

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