Sunday, August 13, 2017



After my running Wednesday I felt pain in my left groin in the area where I have had a hernia was.  There are three possible issues.  

1) A hernia, which is unlikely since I've had them and had extra mesh put in.  If it were that it's not a big deal anyway. 

2) Osteitis Pubis, or an irritation of the abdominal attachments to the pubic bone.  I haven't done any lower ab overload or overuse for it to be this.  If it were, a single painful injection into the pubic symphasis makes it go away.  I've had six in the past and it always works.  

3) More than likely it's "Sunburn" as my former orthopedic surgeon, the late and great Glenn Almquist would say.  When you introduce a new component at a fairly high level, it creates a reactive and protective trauma.  He says it's like going on vacation and getting too much sun the first day, and now you have to stay out of the sun, and then be careful upon your return.

I'm sprinting very fast (for me) as I"m running without ankle weights for the first time in three years.  I'm super careful about my tempo, so I never felt an "event".  It crept up on me and has since subsided 90%.  So far so good.

Today I had this type of running again, so I skipped yesterday's plant and take off drills to come in clean.  During my running today I limited myself to about 50% effort (after 80% last time), and only occasionally had a hint of the issue.  

Unlike Wednesday's run, where it flared up about 30 minutes after I finished, today it has remained calm. I think this confirms the "Sunburn" diagnosis. Sounds good and gives me a little peace of mind, but the proof will be if I can up the temp again this Wednesday without a flare.  Hoping and expecting the best, but if not at least I know the plan.

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by.  Today our pre-meet anthem came on right in the middle of the grind.  Before I walk on to the field for a major competition, the last song I play is ACDC's, "For Those About to Rock, We Salute You".  I play it as a tribute to my friends and vaulters we are about enjoy together as our brotherhood.  Enjoy!!

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