Thursday, September 15, 2011

Striking Distance? Not!?

It's ironic that I am vaulting technically very good but don't feel that I am within striking distance of a big jump.  Sure I vaulted 12' 8" (3.86m) a couple of weeks ago but, a) I don't consider that a big jump, and b) I'm not on big enough poles to seriously blow up 13' (3.97m). 

The irony is that last year I only vaulted 34 times ALL YEAR and so far in the first six weeks I have already jumped eight times.  Clearly I am on track to have a much better year because of the physical progress I made last year.  Basically I jumped very little in an effort to jump a level physically and it worked.  BUT, this cost me in crucial vault timing near the end and I'm planning on fixing that. 

SO, I'm probably much closer to jumping high than I feel, but that's only because the emphasis has yet to be on bigger poles.  On October 22, we will have the Texas vs. Louisiana meet in Houston and hopefully that day I will go out on my regular meet poles and see where I am.  Until then I'll just stick with the plan.

Thank you for being here.  These off seasons are long and maybe a bit boring but I still enjoy the process.  Have a great evening.  Bubba

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