Thursday, August 4, 2011

Insanity + Late Add

Today's topic is insanity.  It's often said that the definition of insanity is to expect a different result by using the same approach.  Hence it would be insane to think I will be better as I age if I don't do some things very different for next year. Example - I went to a meet to help an elite athlete.  The conditions were perfect with a big tailwind and he tied his PR on his biggest pole with the standards on 50 cm (20").  He's DONE because he can't move up a pole because his standards are already too close and he barely made the last height with everything perfect.  He will not improve until he goes away and comes back with better physical and technical skills.  And that is EXACTLY where I am right now - a 13' (3.97m) to 13' 6" (4.12m) vaulter. I will only go down as I age if I don't upgrade other areas.  Fortunately I have a TON of running to do and MANY heavy pole plant and take off drills as well as a HUGE number of vaults to take.  We believe this will take me to the next level for next year.

Speaking of insanity, here's one of my favorite training songs by Megadeath, "Sweating Bullets". Have a great day and thanks for being here.  Bubba

LATE ADD - Speaking of insanity, I ran 3 X 200, 2 X 150 and 1 X 100 this afternoon - 105 degrees.  BTW - was given my first "Seniors Menu" at the Blackeyed Pea.

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