I did trampoline and as planned kept it pretty short. I mainly worked on things off of my back to save my legs for tomorrow. I go on the cruise Sunday so tomorrow my only goal is to finish uninjured so I will be taking it very easy. I'll just jump on the two small poles and make no effort to get to the 1365. It will also be my last day from 2 steps or 12' (3.66m). Since last Saturday, eight days tomorrow, I will have vaulted four days and done trampoline two days so I guess I'm well.
On the cruise I will lift a day and do
cardio the next to get that soreness out and get some serious stretching in. I will have three rotations of this. We aren't as much on the touring as relaxing and
enjoying the views so there will be plenty of downtime to get to the gym. I guess
everyone's idea of a
vacation is different but we're just glad not to have a schedule or plan.
Speaking of plans, I will get back and get to my regular training. The Texas Senior Games will be Sunday 10/24 so that's my first meet. We go to Maine on October 1-9 and I have good training there as well. There's great hill in front of the house (70m) and I join the YMCA for the other days.
As far as vaulting I need to get the most technically out of each run so that means starting on poles that are very manageable and ending on poles and grips that I would normally use from a stride or two further back. From 2 steps I'm already up two poles and expect even more from the other successive runs.
In August I will try and stay at 4 steps but if I get between poles I will allow
myself to move back a stride.
Whenever I do that I seem to be able to use it from one stride closer the next time out. Hopefully I will easily be on my 14' 7" (4.45m) poles by the time I'm at 10 steps.
So if the plan is to jump 14' 7" (4.45m) from 16 steps that means I must be able to do the following;
14' 1" (4.30m) from 14 steps
13' 7" (4.15m) from 12 steps (have done 13' 6")
13' 1" (4m) from 10 steps (do that all the time and have made it from 8)
12' 7" (3.85m) from 8 steps (very regular)
12' 1" (3.70m) from 6 steps (PR is 12' 6")
11' 7" (3.55m) from 4 steps (PR is 12')
I'm expecting to be better so hopefully that means I can hit these marks from one
stride closer and have a shot at 15' 1" (4.60m) from 16 steps. We'll see but you have to have a plan that makes sense and this does. The furthest I have run in two years is 12 steps though I always ran from 14 and 16 the years before. I simply did not want to move back if I couldn't carry the technique with me. Now I feel I can.
I said before I went on the field at Sydney that I don't think I could have done anything to better prepare or condition. I'm way past that fitness, speed and power now; I just need to jump in a
methodical fashion while not getting hurt. I think I have learned quite a bit about that this year off, but only time will tell. Have a great night!