Thursday, August 26, 2010

Protecting Me From Me Again

This seems to come up a lot. I get an injury/ding, it rains, my schedule changes, or SOMETHING that keeps me from going out and doing something that I know is a risk.

Today I ran 10 X hill/sleds at 20% and felt really good and felt strong in the gym and on my bars. This is by far the lightest hamstring strain I have ever had yet I think it happened so that I would let that little outside knee/calf tendon heal. It's barely there now but it sure has gotten better FAST since I backed off.

My right hamstring is more sore than my left so THAT was a problem averted by the small ding to the left. And if that's not enough, I almost picked up a pole to play around with Don this morning, one week out, and the man with the pesticide spraying machine comes out and makes us leave. Somebody is watching out for me because it's common knowledge that I can't be trusted to make the right decisions to protect myself from me. I'll take that blessing for what is is and be very happy.

Have a great day and many thanks for being here! Bubba

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