Saturday, April 16, 2011

Theory Proven - Water Retention

Now I don't want to say that I retain water as bad as these girls but apparently I do.  Last night I was 180.5 and this morning I was 174.  Most of this is because I drink about eight glasses of iced tea with meals and the other part is I ate a lot of bread and other complex carbohydrates on the trip.  For every gram of carbohydrate your body retains four grams of water.  Anyway, hoping to be back in the 170-171 range by Monday morning.

If you remember I said that I felt that my running posture with a sled is closer to my running posture on the runway with a pole. The theory was sprinting straight up hurt my leg because it wasn't familiar with that posture.  I suggested that running with sled would not injure me.  In fact, today I was able to run 5 X 50m hill/sleds with no issue at all.  It's not like I opened up but I ran faster than I did last week when it flared on my 6th grass 100m at 10%.  That just sucks.  So I'm excited and relived for this progress.  I'll repeat the same on Monday and Wednesday morning and then by Saturday I should be able to up the speed and add some pole drills.

Hope you have a great weekend and thank you for being here.  Bubba

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