Saturday, April 17, 2010


As destroyed as the girls made me feel yesterday, something odd happened in the mid afternoon - no pain, no catches, I could walk normally and do everything as if nothing ever happened to my back. This morning I would say I have maybe 5-10% of yesterday's symptoms. I even thought about vaulting a little so see if I could jerk my hip out a little further with centrifugal force. I'll pass but the fact that I could even consider it is a miracle.

Yesterday Sakina worked on me for about an hour and then Ashley came over, tested me and said, "his femur head is locked in the hip socket and if we don't get it out we're screwed". She set out on this furious mission of procedures and positions which included Ashley, Sakina and another girl to help stabilize me. Stretches, rotations of limbs and other very uncomfortable maneuvering and I felt horribly crippled trying to leave the building. Then it happened - I was well, or as close to it as I have felt since last Sunday.

I'm very grateful to Dr. Cloutier as well but the girls made believers of me yesterday. I haven't had sciatica for 15 years and it lasted six months. I'm shocked that as hurt as I was I just missed five days of training. AMAZING!! Bubba

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