Sunday, January 3, 2010

Grind Baby, Grind

Great lift session today as I have renewed vigor because I won't vault for 10 days to two weeks. In other words I can destroy my body training because I don't have to feel good if I'm not going to be jumping anyway.

I didn't do bars today because I didn't want to risk making my biceps strain worse with my full body weight and ankle weights. I was able to do my curls and other arm stuff with not much reduction in weight.

The focus now will be to crank away at lifting, running and stretching since I don't have to be fresh to jump. I'm right on the edge of a breakthrough so I want that extra strength and speed.

Just heard from Bruce Caldwell of Essx and he's going to get going on two bigger poles for me. Because it was my biggest pole, yet too small, I almost grabbed a pole from another manufacturer for my second jump at the AR but I only have confidence in Essx.

VERY comfortable with where I am right now, two months from Worlds. Time to physically raise another level while further refining technique. Have a great Sunday! Bubba

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