Thursday, January 21, 2010


I'm packing up today to go vault with Kris tomorrow. I'm taking my poles to ship to Reno and my poles to trade. I am picking up my new 14' 7" (4.45m) pole and getting it ready to use in Reno. The goal is to make 4m (13' 1 1/2") on my biggest 4.30m (14' 1 1/4") pole and then move on to the new one. Looking forward to it.

These poles were made specially for Kris' kids. Because they are small and the poles felt heavy to carry, they moved the reinforcement piece up the pole to give it more balance. It also makes it a little quicker on the return and a little harder to get started bending. For a bigger guy like me who depends on a lot of constant hand pressure it isn't such a big deal. IF this works for me he has one 14' 7" pole that is smaller that I may switch to as a transition from my start pole.

The objective is to get over 14' (4.27m) so I have to set my series up so that I can get to the bigger poles sooner, yet have a forgiving start pole since I've usually been sitting around for awhile. Kris has a 14' that was made this same way so if my new one works, I will have a new 14, and new 14' 7" to start the series, and then get to the one I for sure am taking tomorrow. We will see how it works at Reno.

Have a great day and thanks for your interest and support. It is greatly appreciated. Bubba

PS - I almost knocked the garage door off of its tracks trying to back the Honda CRV into the garage. I have three big bags full of poles with another bundle strapped beside them. I think it was the pyramid stacking of the three bags that missed the height. Glad Nancy saw me doing it because I didn't even notice it was happening.

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